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Tapping Blogs

Bent u benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden van digitale visitekaartjes en hoe u ze kunt gebruiken?

Lees nu alle blogs op onze pagina voor meer informatie. Onze deskundige auteurs delen hun kennis over het gebruik van digitale visitekaartjes en geven tips over hoe u ze kunt inzetten voor uw eigen zakelijke doeleinden. Ontdek wat digitale visitekaartjes zijn en hoe ze kunnen bijdragen aan het vergroten van uw zichtbaarheid en het aantrekken van nieuwe klanten. Laat u inspireren door de verschillende gebruiksmogelijkheden van digitale visitekaartjes en lees nu alle Tapping blogs op onze pagina.

The secret to make a great first impression with Tapping digital business cards
Tapping digital business card black floating on hand

Why is digital business card is the future

Introduction We’ve all been there. You’re at a conference, and you have no idea who that person is that just walked up to you. You exchange business cards, and then the other person takes their phone out of their pocket, opens an app, types in your name and number (or maybe even scans your card),…

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Blog 5 Ways how to use Tapping digital business cards

5 Ways how to use Tapping digital business cards

Most people are familiar with the traditional paper business card. However, there is a new type of business card that is gaining popularity – the digital NFC business card. NFC stands for “Near Field Communication” and is a technology that allows two devices to exchange data wirelessly when they are close together. Digital NFC business…

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Tapping NFC business card
Your Tapping digital business card black blog

5 reasons why you should use Digital business cards

Ineffective and impersonal.That’s how most business cards feel.Nothing says “no thanks” like handing over a business card that’s been sat in a wallet for 6 months or more.NFC Digital business cards are the new standard. They’re engaging, they’re professional and they’re fun.Tapping Digital business card is a new way to share information. With a simple…

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